...the neo-psychedelic, art-rock, mood rock, guitar-rock band from Australia, that strummed and penned Under the Milky Way as was once seen on MTV (when MTV was almost cool) and can now be heard in a scene from Donnie Darko. Et cetera, et cetera.
I will admit something. I'm 50% church fan because of the past. The wonderful soundscape moods and non-sequitur horoscopic lyrics that often sent me to the encyclopedia are mostly pre-SA archive. I mostly support this band now because of what they gave me then.
25% of my allegiance is the fact that I dig the jam ethos and it results in 2 or 3 really good songs per album at this point. FY (and Isidore) - I just can't even stomach but maybe 2 tracks now. Used to be, in the old days, it would take 2 weeks or so for a new album to "click." So I played FY and others over and over and over waiting for the click.
The last 25% (all % as working estimates) of my attendance is the promise. The Church seem to make an unstated promise with each recording that, "we're working on a bigger scale here - just hang in there - it's coming." Meanwhile all the mystery is unraveled in the information age, and I now know more about this band and SK than I do my own family and father.
For instance I was shocked that someone else was shocked to find Peter is half Dutch on the SK blog the other day. I was thinking, "I've known that for years!" and that kind of thing happens a lot. I know too much. And it's kind of stupid. It's looking closely at the least important things about music. It's not even the music.
Marty and Peter’s songs are hit and miss for me too. IE - Peter's EMD New Season I love, Marty's Triestess - I have honestly never EVER finished it. His sugar water affectation is awful sometimes. It all makes me sad actually. I can't believe I'm even posting this.
BWTB is interesting. Not worth the money though. My non-womb church fan friend Sam that I talk to every now and then agreed that there are two good songs and a couple ok ones. But I'm back trying to make something work that isn't there. I don't even care about the Block EP. It can't be worth the money, and I'll get "uninvited" when it's in a store near me. So that's my sober confession. I would love to have my mind changed.
As an additional note. As much as I love reading the SK blog (the time being), because SOMETIMES it's really good, the comments people make to offer their love make me want to vomit. This chicken (me) hasn't quite grown the balls to comment on the comments there within the comments there, but I feel my own blog's a good spot. Some of those people need to get their own blog anyway. The most recent entry by SK "Jumble Sail," is as mediocre as anything he's posted. And that's OK - It's only a blog after all, but I figured he'd get fewer comments or at least some sober ones. But instead he got heaps of ass kiss because he mentioned lower comment numbers on previous entries. With love from florida - get real people.
As a parent, for instance, you can't make a child love you by giving them what they want. Instead they become a spoiled rotten brat and they will resent you in the long run. They know your love is shallow, or at least the expression of it is. Real love comes when you're honest enough with yourself to be honest with others. You can't make everyone happy, you can only save you're soul.
I agree with you on the ridiculousness (is that a word, really?) of the comments on SK's blog. Why leave fawning messages? How lame, even when he seems to be requesting them. Nobody comments on my blog. Do you hear me whining?
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess you do, now.
I may be a HW moderator, but I'm no fawning fan. "Everything you do is art" :P
JUMBLE is great!! Why? He mentioned MEEE...woohoo ace cool glorious i'll build my own altar where to put the wine 'n bread! :-P
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on some points.
e.g. i gave them kinda credit in the 90es - though it was a sad show sometimes. after AENT I thought about not buying the next record until i noticed how beautiful it actually was. the sugarywatery delivery - right on. i have more of a problem with him showing off about how many clever books he read, still never reaching his idols ("Camus' thoughts were shining jewels, floating down the Seine"...WHAT THE...??). I was also disappointed about the prevailing DIY esthetics. I'm production-picky! So...maybe there are exciting things to come. What about vast sonic spaces, songs like planets, supernova guitar explosions? Hm?
Ah, and you're 50% of the people who ever commented :)
Know whatcha mean about the comments, I kinda chicken myself. I don't know, I don't want to offend, which is why I'm commenting here and not there.
ReplyDeleteHow chickens that and I can be anon.
There are some strange dudes and dudets on that blog.
I have to admit though I loved every album,FY was a little hard to get into b-sides-YS was probably better.
Block does rock, I have a feeling ULTC will come as a suprise, hopefully.
Yeah, I often think of how magical it all was before the internet, The Church, that is. All I knew were their names. It was ALL about the music, and the music was good.
ReplyDeleteKeep speaking your mind, bro. It's a good, analytical one!