I've come to a point where I've realized, North Carolina's OK, and in spite of a crash course on F.V.vice, on terms that I did not expect or enjoy, this town's ok. As with everything, it's a matter of perspective. Just because I haven't shaken off my youthful tendencies for short-sighted foolishness, it's no fault of this Carolina town situated between the coastal and mountain attractions.
I've found plenty of scenery to go with my continuing photography hobby. Downtown has enough to make me miss St. Augustine, and Gainesville Florida, where I'm from, but also plenty enough to make me curious and interested in the local scene, here, between Wilmington and Ashville.
There's plenty downtown, from Husky Hardware to Rude Awakening. Husky H. is a bar with excellent food and in-house brews, whereas RA is a perfect little downtown coffee shop, both with WiFi, even as I write this.
The long shadows at dusk near this common colder solstice. We pretend Chrismas means something more than commercialism and mundane group think, but the fact remains, the strip(s) of strippers and strip clubs. All blocks within blocks of family attractions, but our hours fade, so does the landscape, and this is our America. It's not the fault of Fayetteville, not the fault of MTV. Blame it on Desperate Housewives or Reality TV, Bush or Obama, America has changed. No matter if you prefer CNN, or Fox, our constitution has changed. Our better documents collect dust. Our youth are wasted on the younger. America, 2010.
nice, except for the "strips" you imply, where are they?