I feel sick watching the news. I have been a news junkie in times past but I can't stomach the images, and the rhetoric that have been the product of newscasts in recent months. The humorless irony of those who preach a political "federal hands off" perspective now, without batting an eye, up in arms because the feds aren't acting fast enough to jump in and clean up a corporate mess is enough to make me doubt there is anything at all real about the theory of common sense. There are drill baby drill folks out there that would have objected with all their hearts to the government regulating this industry and/or requiring the very same safeguards that would have prevented this disaster - now - turning on a dime, requesting to have their cake and eat it too, and blaming Barack Obama's administration for not "doing enough."
The contradiction is apparent, and even more apparent is the fact that this is a bigger disaster than anything any foreign terrorist has ever inflicted on the USA. Yet we will continue to lube, gas, and fuel up - because we have to. We are in the words of George W. Bush, "...addicted." No kidding. The gulf coasts of 4 + states, and the east coast of North America will soon be ruined and the raw spilled petroleum sludge will destroy life and lifestyle alike, and there's nothing we can do about it except continue to drill for more...
...because we have to, we need it, like a junkie in Trainspotting, looking past the dead baby on the floor and requsting another hit. Too dramatic? Not really.
Or do we NEED it? What will it take to make the earth's society look at itself and see we need to find something better than petroleum, the petro-dollar and drilling for more and more oil - when it comes to energy? There's such a lucrative machine so dug in, and deeply in place, that will not likely budge. We have gone to war over it, and now blood spills for oil again, as it is proving to be the real weapon of mass destruction. The highest price is not at the pump.
Whoa buckles! Good.stuff!!!
ReplyDeletetoo bad more folks don't read your stuff. Right-on