With the heat haze and humidity women get clearance in summer to de-black while working. I've seen the outer garment tied around the waist, but beneath more bulky clothes, but bright and eyecatching against the khaki landscape.
Camel X-ing ahead.
Woman Working.
Changing routes and going a different way sometimes means ending up in parts of towns where US Forces haven't been seen in a long time.
Crossing an ancient river in ancient Afeq.
Girls, and a billboard supporting nationalism.
He was happy to surrender? Actually the different color flags have different meanings. Green - Islam, red - sacrifice, black - martyrdom, and white - purity.
One of the strangest buildings I've ever seen. Is that second floor real or fake?
Still playing with new angles in auto mode. The focus picks the hood as I hold the camera up, and the blacktop makes a speed blur.
A herdsman and downhill cattle.
Me and my shadow.

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