From atop an IP station near Diwaniya.
Passing by this same corner has netted me several good pictures just out of coincidence.

US troops, just passing through, for over six years now.
Shells of vehicles near roads are a common sight. I have to wonder what happened, abandoned and decayed after stripped or war related?
Being here feels otherworldly sometimes, but there are things that seem to common to everyone everywhere. Breakdowns, a universal problem.
Hard to convey distance in a photograph, but this girls was far off on a hill. I zoomed in and captured her. From an empty desert alone, to my blog on the WWW.
I will see a local side road or intersection coming up, and I'll ready with only a second to grab whatever is up the street, not even knowing if anything is worth shooting. This is the 1 out of 6 that I found interesting. Not sure why, I just like it.
This one has composition. It's luck. Bouncing and rumbling along I have no control over what most photographers do, so it becomes a decision of what to keep and recognizing what has value rather than what angle or approach to take with the subject.
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