02 March, 2006

One Blue Wheel

got new wheels, one blue, and i hate gainesville. i had to call an old boss, from an old job, about my W2 in 2005, givin' him my old address so I can get a "return." he acted like i was his long lost buddy. my mind tried to find the memory to make it so.

see, my wheels wore out. i had the same longboard since november 1998 in gainesville. one of my best ever investments. when my car was stuck, wouldn't run, no license anyway, tickets, and my 5th bike was stolen, i skated to work, or wherever, met up with friends. same board. even that job i had gettin up at 5am to make the breakfast banquet @ holiday inn in 2003. me , the cops, criminals, cabs and street-sweeps, 0445 hours and there you have it.

5 black ones, and a blue one. like nut shells on stage with a little ball beneath one, or a card game in Vegas - "I'll take these four," I said.

"Well here, take four black," the man said.

"No, if it's OK, I want one blue one...you know, for fun, to be artistic."

An eyebrow went up, "Ok."

so today i got some money. i tore off the two back set of wheels, off their rim the other day, poor two piece construction, so with the new cash I got some wheels, one blue. a great friend that board, yes, amen.

i been messin' round with "my space." 'f ya must know - www.netspace.com/bradleyalbertburkley. eye came across a "friend request" from a person in Gainesville. connnected and bounced and clicked around. i took a look at, checked on, a lot of people i used to know, it's been almost over a year. and there they are. on the net-vehicle, all of em would know about my longboard.

seeing these kids again, it wasn't much different than seeing them in person. the facade of friendship for convenience, the ultra-temporal interface, the shallow comments. I hate fucking Gainesville. made me think of "You Me And Everyone We Know" - a good film about the wall we use to connect with within technology. everybody's in a band, or wants to tell you about who is, at least in the psudo-punk crew i was adjacent to. So - Hi to all at "The Top!" - all - including my drunken ghost!

i'm hungry still. but the worst part of the fire is nearly out. i finally found a way to care about someone other than myself. i'm caring for other people. smoke out? no, i'm wearing an ointment that guarantees a cure from the narcissism. i'm entitled to nothing, none of us are. and it's a pleasure to learn this. happier to know this i am. yes, indeed. we all once were young though. i'm growing up, maybe. wether i like it or not. so be it.

i can't wait to try out my new wheels on the skatepark tomorrow.



  1. brad dont come on my blog and tell me i must be 15

    because you have no idea who i am or what , even im talking about......so please do me the honor
    and fuck off niceley
    B raine

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. sorry that i overestimated your age. once you reach 15 you'll find it's nothing to be ashamed of.

    but yes, i have no clue who you are, or what you're talking about. your blog will speak for itself though, and so will mine.

    blog wars? sheesh! oh well.

