My little brochure on cultural do's and don'ts while deployed in Iraq (printed in 2003) says to never point with a finger, and a thumbs up is considered particularly vulgar. I've found this incorrect along with bits of suggested language in the pamphlet. For instance, Yes = "ee" not nah'ahm, stop = "awgaf" not mao-kiff.
Most two wheeled vehicles have multiple rear-view mirrors, but they usually face the sky more than the rear.
Ali and his sister in the distance. Introduced in Versa Vice months ago.
A family of mothers, past present and future.
Looks like whoever did the language section of your brochure was never on the ground in Iraq. Arabic is interesting in that there are so many local dialects. For instance, here in Palestine, yes is na'hm like in your book, but stop is also diwaqaf depending on what your referring to. Such a fascinating language... I love it!!